Webkinz Super Beds

Unfortuneately,I can't find the new pictures for the Webkinz coming in June and May. But, I still know which ones!!! Here's a list of them! (P.S. I'll show the pictures later in the future! P.P.S. Remember that March's Pets are the Tiger Snake, Bengal Tiger, and Brown Dog! And that April's Pets are the American Cocker Spaniel, the Chicken, the Leopard Lizard, and the LIL' KINZ Mouse!)


When you adopt a tenth Webkinz Pet, you still get $2500, but you get a super bed of your choice, too. You can get another super bed after every 5th pet after 10. Adopt more than 10 Webkinz pets. Hey this is my first video:D Have fun making the bed and I made up the idea all on my own:)XxKKxX. Kevin Springfield, Virginia, United States My name is Kevin,and I'm telling the important news on my Webkinz blog! Retired Webkinz: Basset Hound, Cheeky Cat, Cheeky Dog, Lil' Kinz Monkey, Gold And White Cat, Gorilla, Gray And White Cat, Horse, Pegasus, Raccoon, St Bernard, Unicorn, Yellow Lab, Love Dog, Sherburt Bunny, Lil' Kinz Leopard, Lil' Kinz Panda. Mar 14, 2009 When you adopt a tenth Webkinz Pet, you still get $2500, but you get a super bed of your choice, too. You can get another super bed after every 5th pet after 10. Adopt more than 10 Webkinz pets. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Webkinz online items - Choose 6 virtual SUPER EXCLUSIVE BEDS for $12.00 at the best online prices at eBay!

Webkinz Retired Super Beds


How To Get Webkinz Super Beds

  • Webkinz Gecko
  • Webkinz Lioness
  • Webkinz Rhino
  • Webkinz Samoyed Dog
  • Webkinz Lemon-Lime Gecko
  • Webkinz Pink Googles
  • Webkinz Siamese Cat
  • Webkinz Striped Snake
  • Webkinz Whimsy Dragon