Recalbox Manual Scraper

Introduction: Complete Recalbox Raspberry Pi Setup Tutorial

In this article, you are going to learn how to install Lakka your Raspberry Pi.

If you really enjoy this article, consider checking out my TechWizTime YouTube Channel.

Scroll down to “Scraper” Go to “Scrape Now” Select “Start” Wait for the process to finish and enjoy your game. Congratulations, you’ve just installed Recalbox into your Raspberry Pi, configured it, installed a ROM and that’s it for this Instructable. If you enjoy this Instructable, consider checking out my TechWizTime YouTube.

  • Is it possible to update from recalbox 4.1 to recalbox 6.0? No, it is not possible to update this very very old version (over a year and a half) to recalbox 6.0 RCx / Stable Clean installation is required. See below for instructions. Is it possible to update from recalbox 18.07.xxxxx to recalbox 6.0 RCx / Stable?
  • Recalbox is based on the GNU/Linux Operating System. It contains thousands of different types of open source software; from tiny utilities to the massive EmulationStation Frontend. Experience more than 40 emulators from retroarch/libretro, the famous Kodi Media Center and a custom version of EmulationStation!
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And for an awesome source of Raspberry Pi Accessories, check out my Raspberry Pi Amazon List.

Let’s get started!

Step 1: What You'll Need

  1. Latest Recalbox Image

Step 2: Download Recalbox

Go to

Click on “DIY Recalbox”

Scroll down to the 2nd section and click on the Github link.

Download the zip file with the latest version.

Once it downloads, extract it into your MicroSD Card with 7Zip.

Eject the MicroSD Card and place it on your Raspberry Pi

Step 3: Install and Update Recalbox

Once you boot into Recalbox for the first time, it will install and set-up automatically. While it does it you can select your localization options down at the bottom.

If your Raspberry Pi is connected thru a wired netowrk, you’ll have to wait for a couple of seconds in the main screen.

Once that a message pops up telling you about the update, Go to the start menu.

Scroll down to “System Settings”

Go down to “Updates”

Select “Start update”

Say “Yes”

The update will be downloaded and then the system will reboot.

Step 4: Tranfer ROMs to Recalbox

Go to the Star menu.

Scroll down to “Network Settings”

Write down your IP Address as we’ll need it shortly.

NOTE: You can enable and connect to WiFi in this same menu, just hit on “Enable Wifi”, then use “WiFi SSID” to find your network and then write your password.

Recalbox manual scraper tool

METHOD 1: Go to your PC Open up a Windows explorer window



A login screen will appear, log in with the username “root” and the password “recalboxroot”

Click on the shared folder that will appear.

Scroll down to the “ROMs” folder.

Click on the console you wanna upload the ROM to.

Paste the ROM from your PC.

METHOD 2: Open up a web browser.

Go to “recalbox.local” or “YOURIPADDRESS”

Click on “ROMs”

Select the console you are going to upload the ROM to.

Upload the ROM.

Step 5: Bonus: Use a Remote Controller

Open up a web browser in your Android phone or Iphone/Ipad.

Go to “recalbox.local” or “YOURIPADDRESS”

Tap on “Virtual Gamepad”

You can use your phone to control your Recalbox installation.

Step 6: Play Your Games on Recalbox

Go back to your Raspberry Pi.

Get into the Start menu.

Scroll down to “Quit”

Select “Restart System”

Choose “Yes”

When it comes back after the reboot, go to the Start menu.

Scroll down to “Scraper”

Go to “Scrape Now”

Select “Start”

Wait for the process to finish and enjoy your game.

Congratulations, you’ve just installed Recalbox into your Raspberry Pi, configured it, installed a ROM and that’s it for this Instructable.


If you enjoy this Instructable, consider checking out my TechWizTime YouTube Channel.

And for a good source of Raspberry Pi products, check out my Raspberry Pi Amazon List.

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Scraping is a way to get metadata and boxart for your games from the internet. The scrapers RetroPie uses pull primarily from If the scraper isn't working either you are not connected to the Internet or is down (which happens quite frequently) and in that case you'll just have to wait until it comes back up.

Steven Selph's Scraper

Steven Selph's scraper is the simplest and best way of scraping roms (provided that the systems are supported.) It can be installed and used from the setup menu using the following steps:

  1. (Optional)If you are remotely running this script you must be logged in with pi otherwise it will confuse the scraper
  2. Quit EmulationStation (from the start menu or press F4) and type sudo ~/RetroPie-Setup/
  3. In 3.x Choose 'Setup'. In 4.x Choose 'Manage Packages' then 'Optional Packages'.
  4. Select Scraper
  5. Wait for the installation to complete (it may take some time as it has to install various software libraries)

It may take some time for the xml files to build. This will also only work if your roms are located in the local roms folder and not on an external device.

If your roms are located on another source than the default one you can download the stand alone releases.sselph's scraper releasesPlease refer to Sselphs Scraper Advanced Configuration when using this method.

Make sure to update to the latest version of Retropie-Setup script if you're missing any options mentioned below!

  • Scrape All Systems: This will scrape all the systems the scraper supports

  • Scrape Chosen Systems: You can choose to only scrape the systems you choose (press the spacebar to select each system) and select ok to start scraping.

  • Thumbnails Only: When enabled it will load lower resolution images to save space (enabled by default).

  • Max Image Width/Height: Specify the max image width or height to scrape.

  • Console Source: Choose which database to scrape for console games:

  • (default)
  • OpenVGDB

  • Arcade Source: Choose which database to scrape for arcade/mame games:

  • (default)

  • ROM Names: Choose what name to display:

  • No-Intro: Rom Name (USA) (Rev 1)
  • theGamesDB: Rom Name
  • FileName: Rom Name [U] [!]

  • Gamelist: Choose to overwrite the existing gamelist.xml or append to it.

  • Update scraper to the latest version: This updates the scraper to the latest version.

Scraping videos

Since EmulationStation 2.1.0 you can have a video preview as scraped art. Here is a video showing how to scrape videos using the Steven Selph's Scraper

Slow Boot and Shutdown Times

You'll notice after adding lots of ROMs and scraping them that your boot and shutdown time can increase substantially- some solutions to speed up your boot and shutdown times are described HERE

Where are my scraped images and metadata saved?

Once your games have been scraped they will be located in two parts: Downloaded Images and Gamelists


They can also be accessed over samba shares

Note if you are going to make edits to any gamelist.xml you need to have exited EmulationStation first

EmulationStation Built-In Scraper:

EmulationStation has a built in scraper that pulls from thegamesdb. It can be accessed from the start menu in EmulationStation.

Scraper Not Saving Manual Edits

If you are having issues with your metadata changes not being saved, you need to select Quit EmulationStation from the quit menu rather than shutdown or restart system. Then your changes will be saved.

Note that this issue was fixed with RetroPie 3.4

Sselphs Scraper Advanced Configuration:

Scraping your own images

Recalbox Manual Scraper

If you have your own images, you can create XML's with Sselph's scraper:

As a template in my snes folder I had my rom name:

Super Mario World (USA).sfc

and an images folder with:

Super Mario World (USA)-image.png(If you dont want to append the -image part on the filename you can use -image_suffix=)

and I ran

/opt/retropie/supplementary/scraper/scraper -img_format=png -add_not_found=true -download_images=false

And this was the resulting gamelist.xml:

Recalbox Manual Scraper Parts

Parameter list: