Mongolian Encoding Converter 1.0

Mongolian Encoding Converter is developed by Videosoft. The most popular version of this product among our users is 1.0. The name of the program executable file is Convert7to8.exe. The product will soon be reviewed by our informers. Language Encoding System Converter v.1.0 A Java application that attempts to make sense of the multiple encodings that exist for the representation of human languages on a computer. Helps ease the transition to Unicode as well as allow conversion among legacy formats.

3. Stay withXML 1.0

Everythingyou need to know about XML 1.1 can be summed up in two rules:

  1. Don't use it.

  2. (For experts only) If you speak Mongolian, Yi, Cambodian, Amharic, Dhivehi, Burmese or a very few other languages and you want to write your markup (not your text but your markup) in these languages, then you can set the version attribute of the XML declaration to 1.1. Otherwise, refer to rule 1.

XML 1.1does several things, one of them marginally useful to a fewdevelopers, the rest actively harmful.

  • It expands the set of characters allowed as name characters

  • The C0 control characters (except for NUL) such as form feed, vertical tab, BEL, and DC1 through DC4 are now allowed in XML text provided they are escaped as character references.

  • C1 control characters (except for NEL) must now be escaped as character references

  • NEL can be used in XML documents, but is resolved to a line feed on parsing.

  • Parsers may (but do not have to) tell client applications that Unicode data was not normalized

  • Namespace prefixes can be undeclared

Let's lookat these changes in more detail.

XML 1.1expands the set of characters allowed in XML names (i.e. elementnames, attribute names, entity names, ID-type attribute values, andso forth) to allow characters that were not defined in Unicode 2.0,the version that was extant when XML 1.0 was first defined. HoweverUnicode 2.0 is fully adequate to cover the needs of markup inEnglish, French, German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Danish,Dutch, Arabic, Turkish, Hebrew, Farsi, Thai, Hindi, and most otherlanguages you're likely to be familiar with as well as severalthousand you aren't. However, Unicode 2.0 did miss a few importantliving languages including Mongolian, Yi, Cambodian, Amharic, Dhivehi, and Burmese, so if you want to write your markup in theselanguages, then XML 1.1 is worthwhile.

However,note that this is only relevant if we're talking about markup,particularly element and attribute names. It is not necessary to useXML 1.1 to write XML data, particularly element content and attributevalues, in these languages. For example, here's the beginning of anAmharic translation of the Book of Matthew written in XML 1.0:

አከርሃም ይሰሐቅነወለደ፤


ይሰሐቅያዕቆብነ ወለደ፤


ያዕቆብይሁዳነና ወነድሞቹነወለደ፤

Here the element and attribute names are in English although thecontent and attribute values are in Amharic. On the other hand, if wewere to write the element and attribute names in Amharic, then wewould need to use XML 1.1:

Character encoding converter

አከርሃም ይሰሐቅነወለደ፤

ይሰሐቅያዕቆብነ ወለደ፤

ያዕቆብይሁዳነና ወነድሞቹነወለደ፤

This is plausible. A native Amharic speaker might well want to writemarkup like this. However, the loosening of XML's name characterrules have effects far beyond the few extra languages they'reintended to enable. Whereas XML 1.0 was conservative (Everything notpermitted is forbidden) XML 1.1 is liberal (Everything not forbiddenis permitted.) XML 1.0 listed the characters you could use in names.XML 1.1 lists the characters you can't use in names. Characters XML1.1 allows in names include:

  • Symbols like the copyright sign ©

  • Mathematical operators such as ±,

  • 7 (superscript 7)

  • The musical symbol for a six-string fretboard

  • The zero-width space.

  • Private-use characters

  • Several hundred thousand characters that aren't even defined in Unicode and probably never will be.

XML 1.1'slax name characters rule have the potential to make documents muchmore opaque and obfuscated.


The first 32 Unicode characters withcode points from 0 to 31 are known as the C0 controls. They wereoriginally defined in ASCII to control teletypes and other monospacedumb terminals. Aside from the tab, carriage return, and line feedthey have no obvious meaning in text. Since XML is text, it does notinclude binary characters such as NULL (#x00), BEL (#x07), DC1 (#x11)through DC4 (#x14) and so forth. These non-characters are historicalrelics used to control teletypes and glass terminals. XML 1.0 doesnot allow them. This is a good thing. Although dumb terminals andbinary-hostile gateways are far less common today than they weretwenty years ago, they are still used and passing these charactersthrough equipment that expects to be seeing plain text can have nastyconsequences including disabling the screen. (One common problem thatstill occurs is accidentally paging a binary file on a console. Thisis generally quite ugly, and often disables the console.)

A few of these charactersoccasionally do appear in non-XML text data. For example, the formfeed (#x0C) is sometimes used to indicate a page break. Thus movingdata from a non-XML system such as a BLOB or CLOB field in a databaseinto an XML document can unexpectedly cause malformedness errors.Text may need to be cleaned before it can be added to an XMLdocument. However, the far more common problem is that a document'sencoding is misidentified, for example defaulted as UTF-8 when it'sreally UTF-16. In this case, the parser will notice unexpected nullsand throw a well-formedness error.

XML 1.1 fortunately still does notallow raw binary data in an XML document. However, it does allow youto use character references to escape the C0 controls such as formfeed and bell. The parser will resolve them into the actualcharacters before reporting the data to the client application. Yousimply can't include them directly. For example, this document usesform feeds to separate pages:

However, this style of page break died out with the line printer.Modern systems use style sheets or explicit markup to indicate pageboundaries. For example, you might place each separate page inside apage element or add a pagebreak element where you wanted the break tooccur, like so:

Better yet, you might not change the markup at all, just write astylesheet that assigns each poem to a separate page. Any of theseoptions would be superior to form feeds. Most uses of the other C0controls are equally obsolete.

There is one exception. You stillcannot embed a null in an XML document, not even with a characterreference. Allowing this would have caused massive problems for C,C++, and other languages that use null-terminated strings. The nullis still forbidden, even with character escaping, which means it'sstill not possible to directly embed binary data in XML. You have toencode it using Base-64 or some similar format first. (See Item 20).

There is a less common block of C1control characters between 128 (#x80) and 159 (#x9F). These includestart of string, end of string, cancel character, privacy message,and a few other equally obscure characters. For the most part theseare even less useful and less appropriate for XML documents than theC0 control characters. However, they were allowed in XML 1.0 mostlyby mistake. XML 1.1 rectifies this error (with one notable exceptionI'll address shortly) by requiring that these control characters beescaped with character references as well. For example, you can nolonger include a 'break permitted here' in element contentor attribute values. You have to write it as ‚ instead.

This actually does have one salutaryeffect. There are a lot of documents in the world which are labeledas ISO-8859-1 but which actually use the non-standard Microsoftcharacter set Cp1252 instead. Cp1252 does not include the C1controls. Instead it uses this space for extra graphic characterssuch as €, Œ, and .This causes significant interoperability problems when movingdocuments between Windows and non-Windows systems, and it's notalways one that's easy to detect.

By making escaping of the C1 controlsmandatory, such mislabelled documents will now be obvious to parsers.Any document that contains an unescaped C1 character which is labeledas ISO-8859-1 is malformed. Documents that correctly identifythemselves as Cp1252 will still be allowed.

The downside to this improvement isthat there is now a class of XML documents which is well-formed XML1.0 but not well-formed XML 1.1. XML 1.1 is not a superset of XML1.0. It is neither forwards nor backwards compatible.

The fourthchange XML 1.1 makes is of no use to anyone, and should never havebeen adopted. XML 1.1 allows the Unicode next line character (#x85,NEL) to be used anywhere a carriage return, linefeed, or carriagereturn-linefeed pair is used in XML 1.0 documents. Note that a NELdoesn't mean anything different than a carriage return or linefeed.It's just one more way of adding extra white space. However, it isincompatible not only with the installed base of XML software, butalso with all the various text editors on Unix, Windows, the Mac,OS/2, and almost every other non-IBM platform on Earth. For instance,you can't open an XML 1.1 document that uses NELs in emacs, vi,BBEdit, UltraEdit, jEdit, or most other text editors and expect it toput the line breaks in the right places. Figure 3.1 shows whathappens when you load a NEL-delimited file into emacs. Most othereditors have equal or bigger problems, especially on large documents.

Mongolian Encoding Converter 1.0 Download

Figure3-1: Loading a NEL delimited file into a non-IBM text editor

If so manypeople and platforms have such problems with NEL, why has it beenadded to XML 1.1? The problem is that there's a certain hugemonopolist of a computer company that doesn't want to use the samestandard everyone else in the industry uses. And—surprise,surprise—their name isn't Microsoft. No, this time the villainis IBM. Certain IBM mainframe software, particularly console-basedtext editors like XEdit and OS/390 C compilers, do not use the sametwo line ending characters (carriage return and linefeed) thateverybody else on the planet has been using for the last twenty yearsat least. Instead they use character #x85, NEL (next line).

Encoding Converter Online

If you'reone of those few developers writing XML by hand with a plain consoleeditor on an IBM mainframe, then you should upgrade your editor tosupport the line ending conventions the rest of the world hasstandardized on. If you're writing C code to generate XML documentson a mainframe, you just need to use x0A instead of n to representthe line end. (Java does not have this problem.) If you're readingXML documents, the parser should convert the line endings for you.There's no need to use XML 1.1.

Forreasons of compatibility with legacy character sets such asISO-8859-1 (as well as occasional mistakes) Unicode sometimesprovides multiple representations of the same character. For example,the e with accent acute, é, can be represented as either thesingle character #xE9 or with the two characters #x65 followed by#x301 (combining accent acute). XML 1.1 suggests that all generatorsof XML text should normalize such alternatives into a canonical form.In this case, you should use the single character rather than thedouble character.

However,both forms are still accepted. Neither is malformed. Furthermore,parsers are explicitly prohibited from doing the normalization forthe client program. They may merely report a non-fatal error if theXML is found to be unnormalized. In fact, this is nothing thatparsers couldn't have done with XML 1.0, except that it didn't occurto anyone to do it. Normalization is more of a strongly recommendedbest practice than an actual change in the language.

There'sone other new feature that's effectively part of XML 1.1. XML 1.1also introduces namespaces 1.1, which adds the ability to undeclarenamespace prefix mappings. For example, consider this API element:

A system that was looking for qualified names in element contentmight accidentally confuse the public:void and private:int in thecpp element with qualified names instead of just C++ syntax (albeitugly C++ syntax that no good programmer would write). Undeclaring thepublic and private prefixes allows them to stand out for what theyactually are, just plain unadorned text.

Inpractice, however, very little code looks for qualified names inelement content. Some code does look for these things in attributevalues, but in those cases it's normally clear whether or not a givenattribute can contain qualified names or not. Indeed this example isso forced precisely because prefix undeclaration is very rarelyneeded in practice, and never needed if you're only using prefixes onelement and attribute names.

That's it.There is nothing else new in XML 1.1. It doesn't move namespaces orschemas into the core. It doesn't correct admitted mistakes in thedesign of XML such as attribute value normalization. It doesn'tsimplify XML by removing rarely used features like unparsed entitiesand notations. It doesn't even clear up the confusion about whatparsers should and should not report. All it does is change the listof name and whitespace characters. This very limited benefit comes atan extremely high cost. There is a huge installed base of XML 1.0aware parsers, browsers, databases, viewers, editors, and other toolsthat doesn't work with XML 1.1. They will report well-formednesserrors when presented with an XML 1.1 document.

Thedisadvantages of XML 1.1 (including the cost in both time and moneyof upgrading all your software to support it) are just too great forthe extremely limited benefits it provides most developers. If you'remore comfortable working in Amharic, Mongolian, Yi, Cambodian,Amharic, Dhivehi, or Burmese and you only need to exchange data withother speakers of one of these languages (for instance, you'redeveloping a system exclusively for a local Amharic-languagenewspaper in Addis Ababa where everybody including the IT staffspeaks Amharic), then you can set the version attribute of the XMLdeclaration to 1.1. Everyone else should stick to XML 1.0.

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